Looking for resources to help reduce stress and create better relationships with other people? If you’re not yet ready to engage in one-on-one coaching or are looking for a refresher of the skills you learned in previous sessions, check out our resources and tools below. 


Set You Free Online Course

What if you could harness your stress, transform it in a positive way and finally feel free?

With “Set You Free,” Coach Anthony Haskins gives you the evidence-based tools, insights and experiences that work long-term. 

Stress doesn’t have to take over your life.

Packages Curated for Your Needs

Guided Processes

Sound Immersions

Hit the Reset!

Stressed? You don’t have to be.

Sometimes, the best way to reset is to take a deep breath and a few minutes to re-center. I’ve created a FREE 11 minute program for you called Hit the Reset. This quick guided process will clear your mind and help you re-center when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, and insecure.
