Set You Free

A Stress Transformation Course
for the Adventurous Soul

Transform Stress,
Gain Personal Freedom &
Live Your Best Life!

A Course for Everyone

Everyone faces stress in their daily lives. Whether family and relationship turmoil or work and financial pressures, each and every one of us is up against this most deadly killer of people, relationships, joy and productivity—Stress.

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with stress.

You feel we won’t be able to get it all done if you weren’t constantly stressing. But the stress overwhelms you and your ability to truly be happy. 

What if you could harness your stress, transform it in a positive way and finally feel free?

With “Set You Free,” Coach Anthony Haskins gives you the evidence-based tools, insights and experiences that work long-term. 

Stress doesn’t have to take over your life.

Create the Life You Want

What if instead of fighting stress, you could leverage it and benefit from the lessons and wisdom it can offer?

Anthony Haskins with his family
Anthony Haskins sitting at desk

About Me

Hey, I’m Anthony Haskins, and for over 20 years, I’ve made it my mission to take a deep dive into the study of stress, which I believe to be at epidemic levels in our society. I’ve worked with countless individuals in my private practice as a Life Coach and Multidisciplinary Mental Health Professional and have trained professionals in brain based protocols and therapies at the country’s top, most cutting-edge inpatient treatment programs. Although it’s not realistic to completely eradicate stress, we can learn to transform stress and use it to our advantage.

As Resource Director for the Dr. Phil Show for nearly 20 years, saying I’ve seen and heard it all is an understatement. I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of people in their greatest stress-crisis transition into finding their way on their own path toward healing. I have been personally mentored by Dr. Phil himself and Dr. G. Frank Lawlis, a Double Diplomate in Clinical and Counseling Psychology and author of Retraining the Brain: A Plan to Conquer Stress and Anxiety. I am beyond fortunate to have learned from these pioneering experts and grateful to now call them my friends. 

In my 20 + years of practice and experience, what I’ve seen is that the challenges we face can become the greatest blessings in our lives, as they allow us to move beyond our own suffering into new, previously unknown potentials. This is the true path to freedom.

I have uncovered a mind-shifting truth about stress: although deadly, addictive and filled with dysfunction and discomfort, it can offer transformational insights into our emotional health, physical survival and your ability to thrive. 

I am honored to walk alongside you as you trade in your stress for a life of freedom and fun!

What if I already have a therapist?

Great! Therapy can be helpful as you work toward bettering yourself. However, whether you’re currently in therapy or not does not detract from the value of “Set You Free.” If anything, you’ll find that Set You Free provides a sturdy foundation for many of the techniques you learn in therapy to build upon. 

“Set You Free” teaches you to not only mitigate stress, but to use your stress as a tool for growth.

Consider it your extra credit as you work toward an A+ lifestyle.

How it works

Decide that you are fed up with stress.

You will finally conquer stress, learn from it and use it to your advantage.

Make your way through the course

You will learn techniques to manage and minimize stress along with experiences that re-balance your brain and body.

Enjoy a positive lifestyle

You will be left with a sense of freedom and self-mastery that set you up for a positive day-to-day life. Enjoy feeling more confident, free and secure as you transform stress.

What to Expect

That’s right! We’re giving you a sneak peek into the course. The following is an outline of the modules you will work your way through at your own pace.

The foundational concepts of stress reactions and homeostasis.

Understanding the reality of how stress impacts your daily life.

See the way unconscious bias, narratives and perspectives impact your experience.

The role of your emotions and how they are linked to reactivity, wellness and relationships.

Finding the connection between your mind & body with the power of imagery and the senses.

Tools and strategies to cope with internal and external pressures.

Work with your fears to make empowered choices for yourself.

Explore your energy drains, mental and emotional, while learning how to replenish and restore.

Learn how to befriend stress and use it to your advantage.

Go from being a victim of your circumstances to being the hero of your own life story.

Experience joy in new ways by discovering yourself and the world in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Transforming stress is a daily practice, and you can create balance and joy moment to moment.

You Aren’t Alone.

Taking the next step toward conquering stress is scary. If you’re hesitant to dive into the course, remember that a healthier, happier you is a more productive, stronger you. Better relationship connections and a new zest for life are all awaiting your yes. All it takes is a moment of courage and the ability to say YES to less stress.

Anthony haskins page

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