
Picture of Anthony Haskins

Anthony Haskins

Music and the Brain

The Brain

The brain operates in frequencies.  These frequencies are measured in Hz (or cycles per second).  As Dr. Frank Lawlis points out in his book Transpersonal Medicine, “Most of our mental activities in everyday life—problem solving, worrying, planning—take place in the beta range (greater than 13 Hz).  Alpha range (8 to 12 Hz) is the state we normally refer to as the relaxation state, when the mind is calm and restful.  In this state we can still monitor ordinary reality. …Theta range (4 to 7.5 Hz) is that state between conscious and unconscious control, such as the drowsy state we feel just before going to sleep, when the boundaries between spheres of categories merge.  For example, if the telephone rings in an adjacent room, we might or might not be able to tell if the ringing is real or in our dreams.  This is the time of greatest creativity because it offers opportunities to mix realities and look for symbolic form. …Delta range (0.5 to 3.5 Hz) is the range produced when we are in a sleep state without reference to conscious process.  It is characteristic of deep dreaming sleep.”

And Music

The harmonies, rhythms and melodies of music also produce certain frequencies depending on the tempo and range of the composition.  There are certain frequencies produced by upbeat faster tempo dance music and alternatively there are certain frequencies produced by slower tempo more relaxing tunes.  All types of music, regardless of the genre produce sound frequencies measurable in Hz.

The Brain and Music

There is a magical thing that begins to occur within the brain when listening to music.  The brain actually starts to mimic the frequencies produced by the song.  This is how the excitement of a dance song creates the impetus for movement and celebration, whereas the slower love song can produces a more relaxed amorous sensation within the brain.  The feelings of the music can be transmuted directly into brain wave frequencies.

Music as a Tool

This means that music can be an extremely powerful tool in changing the brain.  With depression, we know that the brain is operating in a low voltage state, and also it is thought that the 2 hemispheres of the brain are lacking harmonization.  Thus, using upbeat tempo dance music that makes you feel good and think positive thoughts can alter this low voltage frequency and I’ve seen it work over and over with my clients and in my own life. 

Don’t Forget to Dance!

The next step is to move rhythmically to the music.  Dance!  This will begin to harmonize the brain and the biorhythms within the body.  We have many systems operating within our physiology and they are all connected, from our cardiovascular system to our endocrine system, responsible for secreting hormones throughout our bodies and more.  When you begin to sway back and forth rhythmically, and then pick up your feet and move your arms, you start the process of bringing harmony in these biological systems and rhythms within the brain as well. 

Anthony Haskins speaking engagements

In my sessions with clients, I utilize specifically formulated neurological sonic stimulation therapies and guided processes that entrain new pattern in the brain and nervous system, as well as eradicating frequencies associated with trauma, depression, anxiety, stress, learning abilities, I.Q., and more.

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