
Picture of Anthony Haskins

Anthony Haskins

Take Back Control: Harnessing Courage

I have a hard hitting question for you: Are you in control or is your fear?

Here is a bottom dollar truth that I want to permanently ink into your mind:

🫵 You are far more than your fears. 🫵

Yes, fear is normal. Everyone has them and some are helpful, like being scared to fall off a roof or fail an important exam. 

But here’s the problem:

Research says that we make over 80% of our decisions based in fear. We don’t go for what we want, we go for what we think is safe. 

TRUTH:  Most of your fear is just plain crippling and suffocates your life. 

Whether it’s social anxiety, getting on a plane, the future well-being of your kids and family or the ability to make a living and pay the bills, you aren’t alone. 

Fear is everywhere!

From social media to the news to talking with friends and family, you are bombarded everyday by the lingering fear monster trying to get you to stay status quo.

Overcoming Fear’s Control

The Bible says “Fear Not” over 360 times. We are made to find freedom from our inherent fear!

Fear is actually a blessing because it provides the sacred opportunity to embrace courage and it often reveals what’s truly important to you!

“Where your fear is, there your task is.” – Carl Jung

By facing your fears head-on, you see that the feeling of being scared is what you’re really afraid of. Not the thing you think you fear. 


💙 Breathe long, slow, deep breaths through the experience of fear – sit with it and allow it to be without taking control of your choices. 

💙 Imagine conquering your fear – see the you that is proud and stable, the one that has overcome your fear. Feel what that would be like.  

💙 Move toward your fear – this is how you free yourself from the grips of your anxieties.

💙 Embrace your fear – the greatest treasures in life are found in the deep caverns of your fear. 

Tap. Into. It. 


✨ Courage empowers you.

✨ Courage inspires those around you.

✨ Courage brings clarity to your future.

✨ Courage makes YOU FEEL ALIVE.

I am challenging you to out-brave your fear and do something courageous. Send that message. Sign up for that class. Book that trip. Go for that run. Paint that picture. Go to that audition. Start that business. 

Break the endless fear cycle by harnessing your courage 💪

Overcoming Anxiety Toolkit

Anxiety is a brain state that tunes the nervous system into a consistent overbearing undirected fear cycle.

It results in discomfort, uneasiness and the inability to cope effectively with life’s challenges and demands.

That’s why breaking the cycle by soothing the brain and entraining the nervous system to feel safe and at ease allows you to discover that you can be both under great pressure and completely at ease — what I call having a peace that goes beyond all understanding. 

Learn more about how you can combat your fear and anxiety!

Until next time, 


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